Pool Care

Professional, Reliable, Quality Service
...by an off duty police officer

Drain, Clean & Acid Wash

Can you see the bottom of your pool? If not, then it needs to be drained and cleaned. A general rule of thumb for determining the need for and Drain and clean/Acid wash is: if you can see the bottom of the pool (the floor) then you can bring it back with chemicals, labor and filtering. If the floor is not visible, the cost of the chemicals and labor will generally be greater than the Drain and clean/Acid wash charge, and take much, much longer. Also, extensive algae blooms will stain plastered pools, making an acid wash desirable.

- All of the debris will be carried out of your pool

- The entire surface and tile will be pressure washed

- The plaster will then be Acid washed and rinsed

- A full chemical start up will then be performed after the pool has been refilled (optional). Service starts at $595